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[CMT] Sumanta Bandyopadhyay – Entangled Pauli Principles: the DNA of Quantum Hall Fluids
2019-11-05 @ 10:30 - 12:00
Speaker: Sumanta Bandyopadhyay (NORDITA)
Title: Entangled Pauli Principles: the DNA of Quantum Hall Fluids
Time: Tuesday 5th of November, Fika 10:30-11:00 , Seminar 11:00-12:00,
Place: Nordita South, room 112:028 .
A formalism is developed for the rigorous study of solvable fractional quantum Hall parent Hamiltonians with Landau level mixing. The idea of organization through “generalized Pauli principles” is expanded to allow for root level entanglement, giving rise to “entangled Pauli principles”. Through the latter, aspects of the effective field theory description become ingrained in exact microscopic solutions for a great wealth of phases for which no similar single Landau level description is known. We discuss in detail braiding statistic, edge theory, emergent ground state symmetry and rigorous zero mode counting from a microscopic Hamiltonian in a strongly correlated system. We will further discuss the several other application of this methodology in finding parent Hamiltonian for composite fermion.