Passionate about various aspects of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Material Informatics?
Join our Group.
At our Group we aim to bring together scientists with a proved track of excellence and passion in a stimulating, dynamic environment to tackle novel challenges at the forefront of fundamental and applied Physics.
We would love to hear from you.
You can explore our main specific areas of research by checking out our Research Highlights.
Feel free to contact directly any group member. Check out our individual research interests by visiting our profiles in our Group Members page.
For general questions or more details about open positions, please contact Prof. Balatsky via his email
Current Open Positions
We have currently the following open positions:
- NORDITA Fellowships
- Postdoctoral position in Dynamic Quantum Matter
- Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning and Data Informatics
- MSc Projects
In addition to this page, please refer to NORDITA’s own page, where regular announcements are posted.
NORDITA Fellowships
Appointments are for two years starting 1 September, 2020 or some other date to be agreed upon.
The fellowships are intended for scientists who wish to carry out research in fields represented at Nordita. Candidates working in other areas will be considered when it is scientifically justified. Since female scientists are underrepresented at Nordita we especially encourage women to apply.
The deadline for applications is 15 November, 2019
Only online applications will be accepted. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests including future research plans. Additionally, candidates must arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted.
nordita_fellows_2020Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics – Dynamic Quantum Matter
A postdoctoral position is expected to open and will have the focus on Dynamic Quantum Matter. Quantum materials have stimulated a host of new ideas based on unconventional correlated, entangled, hidden and topological orders. Correlations, entanglement, novel dynamic orders determine the properties of quantum materials and naturally reveal themselves in the time domain. We seek a qualified PD in this area with particular focus on dynamic superconducting states, odd-frequency superconductivity, dynamic multiferroicity and Dirac materials.
Deadline for applications 15 December 2019.
Apply here:
Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Alexander V. Balatsky, Nordita,
Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics – Machine Learning and Data Informatics
Another postdoctoral position is available and will be in machine learning and data informatics. Recent growth of computational power and high demand for prediction of materials with target properties have led to a new way of doing materials research referred to as materials informatics. This approach places the main effort on performing high-throughput computing combined with data mining. Applications of this data-driven approach are wide-ranging and cover the search for various quantum materials with special electrical, optical and magnetic properties. The successful candidate(s) is expected to bridge the analytic and ab initio calculations in the framework of density functional theory within the field of quantum materials, including van der Waals and Dirac materials, topological materials, superconductivity, photovoltaics and multiferroics. The project is closely tied to the development of the open-access organic materials database OMDB ( which is being built up at Nordita.
Deadline for applications 15 December 2019.
Apply here:
Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Alexander V. Balatsky, Nordita,
MSc Projects
At NORDITA, we have developed an online materials database hosting thousands of organic crystals. For all these materials we have performed electronic structure calculations leading to a large dataset of materials data. We are searching for a motivated student to perform a study within the field of materials informatics. More specifically, this entails developing data mining and machine learning tools that can be applied to our vast resource of calculated materials data. For example, in the past we have used this approach to model magnetic materials and predict new candidate solar cell materials. The combination of the fields of data science and condensed matter physics is an exciting and modern topic with many connections to technological applications, such as the discovery of new functional materials.
The group works in several areas of theoretical condensed matter physics. These include Dirac materials, dynamic quantum matter, superconductivity and materials informatics. A summary of our recent research highlights can be found here:
Further information about specific MSc projects can be discussed with the MSc supervisor, Professor Alexander V. Balatsky, Nordita,
Why work or study in Stockholm?
Stockholm is an inspiring, beautiful, quiet city surrounded by majestic lakes, forests and home to the buzz of Swedish culture, music, art and entertainment. The Swedish life provides a perfect balance of work and leisure.
Stockholm is the hub of Swedish cosmopolitan life, Politics, Culture and Entertainment. The iconic centre – Gamla Stan (Old Town)
Our institutional affiliations
As part of our Group, which is the responsible for the main research efforts into Condensed Matter Physics at NORDITA, our members are affiliated with both Stockholm University and KTH – Royal Institute of Technology.
Stockholm University
Stockholm University, founded as a college in 187 is one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. With university status since 1960, Stockholm University has two scientific fields: the natural sciences and the humanities/social sciences. The institution is regarded as one of the top 100 universities in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).
KTH – Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH; Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Swedish) is a university in Stockholm, Sweden, specializing in engineering and technology. It is a leading technical university in Europe and highly respected worldwide, especially in the domains of technology and natural sciences. KTH often ranks among the top 30 universities for Engineering and Technology. The KTH Campus is located in Stockholm, the Capital of Scandinavia and the home of the Nobel Prize.
The main building of KTH, at the heart of Stockholm Stockholm University’s Frescati campus, in the beautiful Lappis neighbourhood