“Materials that make a difference and shape future society”
A peak into the future of material design

The Summer/Autumn 2016 edition of the EU Research magazine featured a piece on the novelty and promises of Dirac Materials, explained by Prof. Balatsky.
The full magazine can be accessed here and the piece can be downloaded here
ERC Grant for the HERO project
A milestone achievement for Research at Nordita and and ETH Zurich.
An ERC Grant is the most prestigious award for excellent European research projects. A team with three researchers from the ETH Domain had also applied for such a grant. Today, Gabriel Aeppli from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Henrik Rønnow from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne EPFL and Nicola Spaldin from ETH Zurich, together with their colleague Alexander Balatsky from Nordita, Stockholm University, received the contract signed by the EU confirming the extraordinary 14 million euro funding. With this funding, they will join their expertise to look into the heart of materials. Using the large research facilities at PSI, they plan to uncover new quantum effects which up to now have been overlooked or could not be seen by previously employed methods. They will also design new materials with useful quantum properties. Such new properties could be of use for data processing or data storage in the future and thus become the backbone of future electronics for the benefit of our Society.
Press Releases:
KTH press release: (in Swedish) [link]
SU press release: (in Swedish) [link]
PSI press release: (in English) [link]
EPFL press release: (in English) [link]
“New data mining resource for organic materials available”
- ScienceDaily (March 6, 2017)
Phys.org (March 6, 2017)
eScienceNews (March 6, 2017)
Open Nanofabrication (March 6, 2017)
Nanowerk (March 6, 2017)
Long Room (March 6, 2017)
CrweWorld (March 6, 2017)
US Weekly (March 6, 2017)
Academic Resources
- Wikipedia page on Dirac matter
- Presentation on Dirac materials @ IMS LANL (pdf of slides)
Lectures on Dirac materials @ ETH-ITS (outline)https://issuu.com/euresearcher/docs/eur10_digital_mag